THÔNG BÁO V/V ĐƠN KỊÊN CSVN các văn b̉an tiếng Anh


Nhờ sự hưỡng ứng nồng nhiệt của qúi chiến hữu QLVNCH, những nhà Trí Thức chân chính và qúi vị Nhân sĩ yêu nước, sau lời kêu gọi tha thiết của Thủ Tướng Chính Phủ Quốc Gia Việt Nam Lâm Thời, Văn Phòng Thường Trực xin trân trọng thông báo cho toàn dân biết:

1/ Chúng tôi đã nhận được bản thảo ĐƠN KIỆN TỘI ÁC CSVN do Thiếu Tá R. Trần Tiếng và qúi vị Chiến Hữu Không Quân Phi Công Khu Trục VNCH đã hoàn tất trong thời gian kỷ lục và VPTT xin trân trọng trình lên quốc dân đồng bào Việt Nam như phát súng lệnh đầu tiên của QLVNCH gửi đến CSVN bằng viên đạn Công Lý và Chính Nghĩa tất thắng. Nếu các CSVN không qui hàng, e rắng khó thoát lưới trời đang lồng lộng giăng bốn phía. CSVN chạy đi đâu? chạy đàng trời cũng khó thoát.

2/ VPTT đồng thời cũng nhận được 1 văn bản đơn kiện CSVN do những vị Trí Thức chân chính soạn thảo và đã hoàn tất trong thời gian ngắn nhất, như 1 lời công bố mạnh mẽ trước dư luận quốc tế thái độ của những Sĩ Phu Việt Nam không bao giờ bị khuất phục trước bạo lực và tội ác.

3/ VPTT cũng nhận được 1 văn bản đơn kiện CSVN do những Nhân Sĩ yêu nước gửi đến. Xin trân trọng ghi ơn và đăng tải lên để Quốc Dân, đồng bào xem và bổ túc trước khi Thủ Tướng ký.

4/ VPTT cũng nhận được 1 số tiền mặt và bưu phiếu. Nhưng chúng tôi chưa kêu gọi BẤT KỲ 1 SỰ ĐÓNG GÓP NÀO. Xin ghi nhận và gửi trả lại tất cả cho người gửi. Tuy nhiên có khoảng gần $200.00 Mỹ kim tiền mặt không có tên người gửi, chúng tôi xin phép lưu lại để bàn giao cho Ban Tài Chánh sẽ được thành lập. Nếu người gửi muốn nhận lại, xin vui lòng gửi thư hay email cho chúng tôi tại cho biết địa chỉ và số tiền, chúng tôi sẽ gửi lại cho qúi vị với lời cám ơn và trân trọng mong qúi vị đồng bào ĐỪNG GỬI CHO CHÚNG TÔI BẤT KỲ 1 NGÂN KHOẢN NÀO trong lúc này VÌ CHƯA CẦN ĐẾN.

5/ Các đơn kiện này sẽ được qúi vị Luật Sư duyệt lại và áp dụng theo đúng mẫu đơn hiện hành theo từng tòa án và tùy quốc gia. Kính mong qúi Nhân Sĩ và đồng bào nhiệt tình ủng hộ qúi vị Luật Sư.   

6/ VPTT đồng thời cũng đã nhận rất nhiều tài liệu và bằng chứng về tội ác của CSVN. Nhưng qúa nhiều nên chưa có thể phân loại. Rất mong các bạn thanh niên giúp 1 bàn tay sắp xếp và vào hồ sơ lưu trử vaô kính mong đồng bào, nếu được, xin copy vào flash drive hay email cho chúng tôi. Vì hộp thư của CPQGVNLT không đủ chổ chứa nên phải làm phiền đến nhân viên bưu điện lưu trữ giùm. Trân trọng



P.O.Box 2807, Anaheim, CA. 92814 (USA)

Phone: 760-523-3011



Accusation against Vietnamese Communist crimes

USA February 21st, 2013

No: 0002-2102/VPTT/KCSVN-2013


Hon. Luis MORENO-Ocampo

Attorney General of the International Criminal Court

Po Box 19 519

2500CM, The Hague (The Netherlands)

Tel. +31 70515 8555

Email: otp.informationdesk @



Dear Judges of the Court:

I, the undersigned, Mr. Dao Minh Quan, am ethnic Vietnamese, a U.S. citizen and symbolically a citizen of the free world. I am acting as Prime Minister of The Provisional National Government of Vietnam by virtue of voting of the people, consisting of three generations, aged from 18 to over 60. This government was formed in exile since October 21, 1990, in the USA. Formal address is:

The Provisional National Government of Vietnam

P.O Box 2807

Anaheim, California 92814- USA

Tel: (760) 523-3011

With all due respects, on behalf of the people whom I represent, I would like to file a petition to The Court requesting an investigation on war crimes such as genocides, torture, repression, terror, massacre done by the Communists of Vietnam and China since Ho Chi Minh started the communist regimes in our fatherland of Vietnam. Under the protection of the law of the international tribunal of the ICC and that of the United States of America, we allege these crimes against all criminals involved throughout the period of 1930's, and continuing to this very day. These criminals must be tried and prosecuted under the provision of the law to the full extent. They must be brought to a public hearing in an open court and the judicial proceeding will be administered by my representing attorneys without the need of my presence.

Again, we allege the crimes against humanity in which genocide was done by the following communist criminals:

1. - Hồ Chí Minh (deceased), former chairman of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. This government eventually became the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

2. - Trường Chinh, aka Đặng xuân Khu (deceased) former president of the National Congress of Democratic Republic of Vietnam

3. - Lê Duẩn (deceased), former General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam

4. - Lê Đức Anh, former president of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

5. - Đỗ Mười, former General Secretary of the Communist Party

6. - Lê Khả Phiêu, former General Secretary of the Communist Party

7. - Trần Đức Lương, former president of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

8. - Nông Đức Mạnh, former General Secretary of the Communist Party

9. - Nguyễn Phú Trọng, incumbent General Secretary of the Communist Party

10. - Trương Tấn Sang, incumbent president of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

11. - Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, incumbent Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

12. - Phùng Quang Thanh, incumbent Defense Minister of the Socialist Republics of Vietnam

13. - Nguyễn Chí Vịnh, Deputy Secretary of Defense of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

14. - Trần Đại Quang, Minister of Public Security of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

15. - Nguyễn Thái Bình, Interior Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

16. - Nguyễn Minh Triết, former president of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

17. - Phan văn Khải, Former prime minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

18. - Hà Hùng Cường, Minister of Justice of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

19. - Nguyễn Sinh Hùng, National Assembly Chairmanof the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

This complaint  will be delivered to all defendants.

All defendants have been notified that they have the right to remain silent. All the gestures, actions and speech can be used as evidence to convict them in court.

-      The defendants do understand the nature of the charge(s) against them.

-      The defendants have the right to discuss to their lawyers.

-      The defendants have also been advised of the following:

a- The right to be tried by a jury.

b- The right to cross-examine all the witnesses against them.

c- The right to either present evidence in their favor, to testify for themselves or as they wish to remain silent.

d- The right to a public speedy trial.

e- The right to have legally qualified lawyers to defend them at all stages of the proceedings.

f- The right to confront and to cross-examine all witnesses against them.

g- The right against self-incrimination.

Hồ Chí Minh aka Nguyễn Ái Quốc was merely a “puppet” of Communist China, pretending to be a patriotic figure to the Vietnamese people. He established the communist party to seize power over Viet Nam by imposing the communist doctrine to the infrastructure society. He committed mass murder during “Xô Viết Nghệ Tỉnh” rebellion and during the Land Reform period 1949-1956, killing 173,008 innocent peasants. He closed down Nhân Văn Paper (“Humanities”) whose associates had been eradicated by either imprisonment and/or forced to seek asylum in exile. During the “1968 TET offensive” his troops killed thousands of innocent people. In 1975, his Communist Party violated the 1973 Paris "Peace Treaty" Agreement, leading to the invasion of South Vietnam, and put hundreds of thousands of people into re-education camps without trial. Vietnam Communist Party sold off part of our fatherland and the sea to China.

1. - Hồ Chí Minh is of Chinese origin. His first crime was to pretend to be a Vietnamese. In the years 1930-1931, Hồ Chí Minh suppressed a revolt against wicked rulers called "Xo Viet Nghe Tinh movement." During this period, this slogan was strictly applied and implemented: "Trí, Phú, Địa, Hào phải diệt tân gốc” (People who are classified as intellectuals, the "filthy rich", the landowners, the merchants must be eradicated (uprooted). Communists advocated that they must destroy these 4 social classes if they want to lead the communist movement over Vietnam successfully.

They would kill (execute) people of these categories indiscriminately during this moment in time, everywhere in the country that seemed needed, without hesitation. How they killed people is another issue. Their goal is to scare off the people with death so that they will sustain the dominant control power over the population.

(See document attached.....).

2. - The next crime was the Land Reform from 1949 – 1956 in Northern Vietnam. With a population of about 16 million people, the Land Reform caused a 173,008 innocent civilians killed, according to the statistics in the book  "The Economic History of Vietnam 1945-2000", issued by the Institute of Communist Economics recently published in the country. (That means for every 100 people, one must be killed) This is horrible for the society in North Vietnam during that time.

(See document attached ......).

3. - Crimes against civilians/against humanity. The average Vietnamese peasant is very modest, good-natured and they earn their living by hard work. They have also worked extra hard to patiently contribute to the welfare of the Vietnamese communist party all their lives, but suddenly, they were hit with a thunder strike in the head; those who have been working hard on their ancestor's lands as farmers, were labeled as "crooks" plunderers, exploiting other poorer farmers... Even those who are sympathizers, paying sacrifices to the local communist group are also ripped off by the village officials (communist comrades).  Once they are labeled as "capitalist", "spies" or "betrayers", they will have no longer been able to make a living. With the information available today, the communist regimes have committed immense crimes against our own people as well as humanity. These crimes still ocur today.

(See document attached......).

4. - Our fine cultural traditions that have lasted for thousands of years now have been ruined by the communist regime because of their greed of money and eagerness for power... In summary, the communists have destroyed our traditional ethic life since the Land reform period!

5. - During the Land Reform period, children are encouraged to tell lies about their parents. They even allowed condemning their parents in the public with "creative sins" before a "village tribunal" also called "people's court"... In the history of Vietnam, people’s ethics were never insane like they were during the Land Reform. To set an example: Trường Chinh, former General Secretary of the Communist Party also condemned his father to death. Husband versus wife, brothers versus sisters, they blamed and accused each other. Neighbors must devise a way to slander, hatefully defame each other. The subject of the “People’s Court” was hand tied, knelt and slumped as a sinner, surrounded by a frenzied crowd. The victim was subjected to all kinds of torture. When he or she responds to torturers they must call them by Sir or Madam, even the torturers are at the age of their children. Vice-versa, torturers must call the victims with obscene names.

Eventually the victim will be executed in a variety of ways such as a full body shot or buried alive leaving the head just above the ground level... Then, the victim was killed with a plough blade pulled by a buffalo splitting the victim’s head. Besides the mob, to create terror and repression, the victim’s relatives were forced to witness the slaughtering scene. Grown up relatives became crazy while kids are crying and fainting. It is a horrible cruelty one can't imagine. This period of communist genocide even worsened as time goes by. Hồ Chí Minh is not a Vietnam- born citizen that is why he permitted such a barbaric way to murder.

(See document attached......).

6. - Before the land reform, the village churches, the village temples…have own their land. Places of worship were built or renovated. Monks and service men were taken care of by the contribution of believers.  Spiritual religious activities and charities are villager’s norms.  After the land reform, land is confiscated being levied and divided to peasants. Without land, churches and temples in the village have no chance to exist. Religion shrinks as well as the words “charity” and “humanity”.

During the land reform, many innocent people have died unfairly. Either they were killed at the “People Court” or they committed suicide due to inhuman slanders. Blood everywhere; tears dried up because there are no more tears to shed. Many people wished to become a dog or a cat to have an easier life ... Communist Land reforming is a crime against nature, against the universe, against humanity. It turned people into killing one another, even killing the dearest loved ones like husband, wife, siblings...

(See document attached......).

7. - During 1956-1958, some educated intellectual party members such as Tran Dan, Nguyen huu Dang, Le Dat were incarcerated by the Communist Party to 20 year imprisonment  for the "crime" of organizing  the " Nhân Văn "Humanities" paper"  and  "Giai Phẩm Periodical"publishing an article demanding freedom of speech. In 1959, communist regime confiscated properties and means of production from private sectors to their state-controlled business hidden under the forms of "public joint venture company" in urban cities and "agricultural cooperative exchange" in rural areas.

(See document attached......).

8. - In 1961, the regime started an attack campaign on religions. Religious leaders are terrorized and sent home. Temples and churches properties and facilities are destroyed or used for non-religious purposes.

(See document attached.....).

9. - During the Vietnam War, before Saigon was seized in 1975, communists killed thousands of South Vietnamese government officials in areas with less government security. During the Tet Offensive of 1968, the communists also buried 5,000 civilians and kidnapped and killed 1,000 people in the city of Huế, as Ho Chi Minh went on national radio and gave an attack order: “This Spring is better than last spring…The final victory belongs to us.”  During the “Flaming Summer” of 1972, Viêt Công randomly fired rockets onto a boulevard in Quang Tri province, killing thousands of innocent people while they tried to flee the war zone.  In 1974, communist launghed rockets indiscriminately at on elementary school in Cai Lay city, killing hundreds of students, mostly under the age of 10. It must be said that all South Vietnam residents most likely will always run towards the South Vietnamese Army troops for protection.

(See document attached......).

10. - After the communists breached the 1973 Paris Peace Treaty Agreement by using their military forces in taking over the South. Vietnamese Army , civilians, members of the military, and government officials were put in prisons disguised as re-education camps. Prisoners were subjected to forced labor, torture, and mental and physical abuse. As a result they suffered from malnutrition, nervous breakdowns and depression. Thousands died. Furthemore, according to research conducted by academics Jacqueline Desbarats and Karl D. Jackson, at least 65,000 people – a conservative estimate – were executed in these communist prison camps from 1975 to 1983. While the spouses suffered in these camps, their wives and children were forced to leave their homes and move to places where they lived in sewer pipes  and under bridges. Meanwhile, sons of these imprisoned men, rather than being able to attend university, were drafted to become communist army soldiers. Daughters turned to prostitution in order to support their families. Furthermore, in Cambodia and along the China-Vietnam border, more than 100,000 children and people with disabilities were killed by the communists.

(See document attached......).

11. - Shortly after seizing the entire country, the communist regime turned Vietnam into a "larger prison" under the name “the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.” The “social reforms” carried out in South Vietnam entailed stealing people’s property, destroying economic development and shattering infrastructure, which caused the country to fall behind and into poverty as it still is today. Bui Tin, a dissident and former colonel in the People’s Army of Vietnam who now lives in Paris, has also condemned the communist regime as inhumane, particularly in its practice of pretending to allow people to cross the sea to confiscate their assets, or to kill them by sinking the boats they were on.

(See document attached.....).

12. - Fearing the cruelty, intimidation and ruthless lethal violence of the communists, many Vietnamese had to flee their homes, property, and families. Some attempted to escape by land, others by sea. Many of these individuals were later found dead, or were beaten, robbed, arrested and tortured. A woman and the 10-year-old daughter were raped by pirates and subsequently sold into prostitution or thrown into the sea to drown. Those who were lucky made it to refugee camps, although many still had difficulty gaining political asylum. Once the funding for these camps ran out, about 10,000 Vietnamese refugees were forced to return to Vietnam. Having lost everything to communists, many of these returnees went on hunger strikes or carried out self-immolation. 

(See document attached......).

13. - In mid 1978, the communist Vietnam set out to execute a so called "Re-evaluation campaign" with rhetoric: renovation and re-organization of the economy under their doctrine of communism. They nationalized people’s businesses and industrial companies. They even tried to rip off people's wealth by ordering a nationwide money exchange, that in fact, turned people into poverty and evidently, people had no choice but to flee the communist regime in myriad after all. So many have been lost in the high sea, in the jungles on the way seeking asylum abroad, leaving our native country behind! I would think that you, your Honor, probably have heard all the harrowing aspects of the "boat people". Fortunately enough, The United Nations was aware of this and convened in Geneva on Nov 14, 1978, looking for a solution to the world problem.

14.- On other hand, according to a denouncing letter written by Mr. Trần H and Mr. Hoàng Quý on April 18, 2004 in Virginia, USA; a set up by the Vietnamese communist regime to execute a mass murder of people by hoarding them into schools, pagodas, indiscriminate killing them in a "blood -bath execution style".

15. - The repression of the Vietnam Communists against the Montagnard (Highlanders) ethnic minorities led to the uprisings in the central Highlands in 2001 and 2004, and recently, in mid April 2008. Following these mass demonstration, hundreds of Montagnards were arrested as reported by the missionary Soai Y: "We have received poisonous gifts from the Vietnamese authorities: The death of hundreds of people due to repression and torture. More than 300 people were still held in detention in prisons in the North since 2001 until now. The Communist regime army and police also forces surrounded and attacked the minor ethnics with faith in Christianity in the Central highland part of Vietnam, killing 200.

(See document attached.....).

16.- A high treason felony was committed when the communist party yielded (sold under the table) our fatherland and sea by Phạm văn Đồng, (the then prime minister of Communist Vietnam) to Chinese prime minister Chou Enlai on Sept 14, 1958 . The declaration delineated the extent of Chinese territory and included the Truong Sa. In response, the DRV Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong, sent a formal note to PRC Premier Zhou Enlai stating that "The Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam respects this decision* Also on Decembeer 30, 1999, the Vietnam communist regime secretly and cowardly signed with China the "Treaty on land bordering Vietnam and China.".

* On December 25, 2000, they signed another treaty called " Northern Gulf Demarcation agreement" and the " Agreement on Fishing Co- operation in Northern Gulf" resulting in a loss of 720 square kilometers frontier of Vietnam to China. When a young dissident lawyer, Mr. Lê Chí Quang, wrote an article about this on-going incident, “Beware of the North", they jailed him.

Even when the Vietnamese concerned citizens voiced their opposition to yielding land and sea to communist China, by peaceful demonstration and meetings, the communist (tyrant) regime overwhelmed them with police and armed forces. If they feel anybody could be the" core" to the demonstration, or if they fear for they believe that those people could be a future threat, those people will be eradicated right away by jailing, beating, torture ... against the International Convention of The United Nations that they even agreed and previously signed.

17. - Nowadays, they even engaged in plans to export brides abroad (married to foreigners) and human trafficking, exporting minors to other countries for prostitution. They only care for the bottom line: money and power to dominate the country of Vietnam and disregard the ethical and humane aspect of the people of Vietnam.

Ever since Ho Chi Minh 's intention to implement the communist doctrine over Vietnam in 1930, our country has endured through a calamity , such as crimes, terrors, repressions , torture, famine, massacre, imprisonment in "Re- education" camps (in fact: a forced labor camp) , corruptions, moral and ethical decay etc ...

To the world community, communist crimes have been noticed and emphatically condemned... According to "The black book of Communism" (written by French historian, Mr. Stephane Courtois,) the Communist regime has believed and implemented those horrible crimes as a perfect tool to eradicate any person or group of people for political reasons due to claimed future threats to their party.

On January 25, 2006, Council of Europe passed and adopted Resolution 1481, unanimously agreeing to a need to condemn and expose these crimes of the communist and totalitarian regimes to the world, albeit, these regimes are no longer in existence, but, these past crimes have not yet been brought to justice while some communist regimes still exist; therefore, Vietnamese communists are still a threat to humanity that must be prosecuted.

Since the philosophy of communism and the communist parties appeared in countries around the world, about 100 years ago, there has been hundreds of millions of individuals and groups of people killed for political reasons by communist atrocity. Vietnam, in particular, our people have been decimated by these brutal, inhuman regimes. Once, our farmer President Ngô Đình Diệm, had labeled them as a "monster".

By all accurate proof and evidences described and attached here, within this petition, we would respectfully ask, Your Honor, to re-open a full scale investigation to bring justice, to prosecute those under Hồ Chí Minh leadership, who have been involved with these horrible (massacre) atrocities against our people of Vietnam... Hồ Chí Minh was, in fact, an indigene of China, named Hồ Tập Chương, a spy and a serious crime leader, disguising as a Vietnamese under the name of Hồ Chí Minh. This would require an autopsy and DNA test to reveal the whole truth.

Hồ Chí Minh accomplices have been:

1. - Trường Chinh (deceased)

2. - Lê Duẩn (deceased)

3. - Nguyễn văn Linh (deceased)

4. - Đỗ Mười

5. - Lê Đức Anh

6. - Trần Đức Lương

7. - Lê Khả Phiêu

8. - Nông Đức Mạnh

9. - Nguyễn Phú Trọng

10. - Trương Tấn Sang

11. - Nguyễn Tấn Dũng

12. - Phùng Quang Thanh

13. - Nguyễn Chí Vịnh

14. - Trần Đại Quang

15. - Nguyễn Thái Bình

16. - Nguyễn Minh Triết

17. - Phan Văn Khải

18. – Hà Hùng Cường

19. - Nguyễn Sinh Hùng

These are the aggravated criminals that must be brought to justice and that they must be ordered to pay for the consequences of their crimes, for the world to know and set examples for those tyrannical regimes against humanity.

With all the allegations listed above

We respectfully ask Your Honor and The Court to urgently order these criminals:

1. - To appear in Court to hear allegations against them.

2. - To be fully responsible in paying damages and compensation to those who have been victims of their aggravated crimes such as land confiscation, property nationalization, false imprisonment and loss of family members due to persecution and massacre.

3. - Order them to immediately and unconditionally release from prison all political dissidents.

4. - Order them to pay for all incurring court costs for this law suit.

5. - Judgment becomes effective and executed immediately as of court date.

Your Honor; on behalf of our country of Vietnam and her population throughout the world, please accept our gratitude and appreciation for your concern in this great matter of ours.

Respectfully Yours,

Prime Minister of the Provisional National Government of Vietnam

Mr. Đào Minh Quân

(Sign and Seal)

 Please note: The following attached specific documentation will include staff members, parents, siblings, children of victims and full exhibits, videos, movies, books.




P.O.Box 2807, Anaheim, CA. 92814 (USA)

Phone : 760-523-3011


Complaint Vietnam Communist Crimes





California the 16th February, 2013

No: 0002-1602/VPTT/KCSVN-2013


Dear judges justly and wisely revered:

Today I'm Dao Minh Quan, as a member of the universal humanity, a U.S. citizen of Vietnamese origin, are also victims of the regime, has been detained and were desperate to escape from the camp, self-driving a boat carried the license number VNKG-0602 along with 524 victims over the Pacific Ocean. Before the boat was sure about to sink, we are fortunate to West-German ship named “Proskekte” of Esso Production Malaysia Inc. saved into the refugee camp in Johore Mershing district, Malaysia on 17/05/1979. I also was the third generation of Vietnam including precious Elder on 60-year-old, middle-aged (those aged 40 to 60 years) and Youth (the country from 18 to 40 years old) I keep in office the Prime Minister Provisional National government of Vietnam by the Vietnam-founder since 21/10/1990.

I currently reside at 10800 Sierra Road, the City of Adelanto, California.

Mailing address is: PO Box 2807, Anaheim, CA. 92 814, USA

Respectfully ask permission on behalf of all victims suffering Vietnamese to stand out is the plaintiff, the court please let me be the use of human rights, my civil rights and in Prime Minister CPQGVNLT infection, with the aid of justice, to officially filing this event and want to apply the law fairly and the International Criminal Court and the Federal Court of the United States in order to prosecute all of the defendants with crimes against to humanity, including genocide and war crimes suspect accused must be conducted in open court and through my attorneys, without my presence.

Respectfully ask the trial court all those who have been accused gang leaders Vietnamese Communists and the so-called "State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam". These defendants also a member and was dominated by the Communist Party of China.

We charge them with crimes against humanity, including genocide and war crimes committed by the accused with the following names:

- Ho Chi Minh, former president, founded the Vietnamese Communist Party (deceased), former President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, this change is a socialist republic of Vietnam,

- Truong Chinh, Former President of the National Assembly of Vietnam Democratic Republic (dead),

- Le Duan, Former General Secretary of the Communist Party (dead),

- Le Duc Anh, former president of the so-called "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam"

- Do Muoi, Former General Secretary of the Communist Party,

- Le Kha Phieu, Former General Secretary of the Communist Party,

- Tran Duc Luong, former president of the so-called "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam"

- Nong Duc Manh, Former General Secretary of the Communist Party,

- Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party,

- Truong Tan Sang, President of the so-called "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam"

- Nguyen Tan Dung, Prime Minister of the so-called "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam"

- Phung Quang Thanh, Defense Minister of the so-called "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam"

- Nguyen Chi Vinh, Deputy Secretary of Defense of the so-called "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam", a resident of the city of Hanoi, Vietnam,

- Tran Dai Quang, Minister of Public Security called "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam"

- Nguyen Thai Binh, Interior Minister of the so-called "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam"

- Nguyen Minh Triet, former President of the so-called "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam"

- Phan Van Khai, the former Prime Minister of the so-called "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam".

- HA Hung Cuong, Minister of Justice of the so-called "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam".

- NGUYỄN Sinh Hùng, National Assembly Chairman of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

This complaint also will be delivered to all defendants.

All defendants been notified that they have the right to remain silent. All the gestures, actions, speech can be used as evidence to convict them in court.

-      The defentdants do understand the nature of the charge(s) against them.

-      The defendants have the right to discuss to their lawyers.

-      The defendants also been advised of the following:

a-    The right to be tried by a jury.

b-   The right to cross-examine all the witness against them

c-    The right at the trial to present evidence in their favor and either to testify for themselves or, if they wished, they may remain silent.

d-   The right to speedy and public trial.

e-    The right to have qualified lawyers defend them at all stages of the proceedings.

f-     The right to confront and to cross-examine all witnesses against them.

g-   The right against seft-incrimination. 

About the monstrous crimes, even Gods and gentle not forgive or do not drop as follows:

The typical charges such as: Xo Viet Nghe Tinh, Land Reform, Humanities Age, review the anti-Party, ferocious massacre killed in the New Year Offensive of 1968, torture and murder of prisoners in the camps after 1975, and sale of land and sea loads Vietnam to China.

1.-The first crime when Ho Chi Minh is one of the Chinese people, pretending to be Vietnamese named Nguyen Ai Quoc for the establishment of the Communist Party with the aim of seizing power our National Vietnam, to impose Communism in Viet Nam, southern dream invasion of the Chinese Communists. Ho Chi Minh called this stage "Xo Viet Nghe Tinh period" in the years 1930-1931. During this period, the slogan is applied strictly: "Trí, Phú, Địa, Hào phải diệt tân gốc” (Intellectuals, the wealthy, landowners and the merchants must be destroyed root). There is communist policy to destroy the four elements, world proletariat as the poor peasants and new working class leader’s Communist movement in the country.

In a democratic society, rule of law, murder someone for no reason, even just one person, also must pay for the network. But with Vietnamese society in this period, the regime ordered the killing of four components listed above, to meet anywhere and at any time, without trial, no need to know right and wrong good and bad, guilt or not guilty, just as "normal". That is why we set out to kill people just normal, but very "barbaric", has raised the crimes of the regime up to hundreds of thousands of times, over the strict social laws, considered genocide phase of the CCP and the Viet Cong first.

(See document number. Attached.....).

2. - Crime followed by the Land Reform (land reform) in 1949 to 1956 in northern Vietnam. With a population of about 16 million people at that time, the land reform falsely killed one hundred and seventy-three thousand and eight (173.008) innocent civilians, according to the book "The Economic History of Vietnam 1945-2000", by the Institute of Communist Economics recently published in the country. See, just less than 100 people, one person were killed. This is a time of horror for the whole society northern Vietnam, considered genocide phase of the CCP and the Viet Cong second.

(See document number. Attached ......).

3. - Crime of killing innocent civilians and crimes against humanity: Naive, gentle farmers were making a living and selfless contribution to the Communist Party, but the party suddenly dealt a fatal blow. Dynamic class, well, that business shall be assigned to a landowner, evil bullies promote, shut down all the way live. Dynamic social classes were charged and condemned as evil and bullying landowners and exterminated by Vietnamese communists. Cadres of the Communist Party in rural areas punished everybody or savagely shot people dead. Through these data, we found that this regime has committed so enormous crimes, and crime continues, because this regime still dominates our country. The legitimate people cannot accept even the patriotic Communist Party members, whether governing or not. It is important to do to all the people there looked out to not accidentally hand feed mode. It is important for a people to know that they are unwillingly feeding a brutal and barbaric regime) When people see the extent of the harm, they will attempt to remove it. A country with a majority of young people and a vast overseas community that has entered the third generation, must know the truth about the darkest sides of the past seven decades and the crimes against humanity committed by Vietnamese communists. Vietnam has a right to live on equal footing with the world of the twenty-first century illuminates the historical truth that needs to clear crimes of the communist youth and understand the darkest period of the history of the country over seven decades need to be terminated, to Vietnam because the condition on par with the world in the 21st century. This is the heavy responsibility of all of us and the patriotic people of Vietnam, considered phase 3 of the genocide by the CCP and the Viet Cong. (See attached document).

4. - Undermining the fine tradition of thousands of years of the nation: Tradition of peace, love, mutual care, and help for those who have nothing full of humanity, full of people. Charming rural Vietnam was built by people over thousands of years and was destroyed by Communism during the land reform.

(See attached document).

5. Undermining national ethics. In the history of Vietnam and its people, never make people moral chaos weird way as during the land reform. Children to lie about cheating parents struggle to give a so-called "People's Court", which name Truong Chinh, former General Secretary of the Communist Party also was denounced father to death as an example. Spouse, you have to struggle with each other. Neighbors must find a way to slander, defame hateful, reconciled to each other. Who denounced tied, started kneeling slumped as a sinner before a crowd surrounded, subject to all kinds of torture, who denounced her as he, she, and will be called the children, though only to a minor, or it is your child. The people must stand denounced their relatives and must be referred to the victims as "assholes", "bastard", "woe"  and reviled enough vulgarity etc... This genocidal period of China and Viet Cong even more serious. If Ho Chi Minh is Vietnamese, he is not to kill people at ferocious race with him like that.

Eventually the victim was killed in a variety of ways such as a full body shot or buried ground just open head, and then uses the buffalo tree to break the victim, the witness of the public, including family members must also witness, to produce mental terrorism. Many people, especially children forced to witness cried squealed and fainted, many cases of victims’ families insanity insane, children, helpless etc. It is a terrible tragedy, like hell.

Phase of this genocide of the Chinese Communist and Viet Cong are more sinister and serious. If Ho Chi Minh, Vietnamese, he would not have murdered an ancestor who said the same as in a ferocious manner, non-essential such like.

(See attached document).

6. Crime destroys spiritual traditions and culture. Before the land reform, the church, the temple, village etc... have their own land to worry remodel and renovation of places of worship and sacrifice every year, as well as feed the monks, and the general care of the ... Thanks the spiritual religious activities, charities are regulated. With land reform, land was seized to divide the farmers, village places of worship become crumbled, spiritual life completely erased, and no opportunity exists. There is no one to mention the word "good" or ‘kindness”.

Summary of land reform, many innocent people have died unfairly, who committed suicide because of too scared, because of slander. The screams injustice shield, blood everywhere, tears dried up because it is no longer to flow. Many people at that time only dreamed of as a dog or cat for easiness ... Land reform is a natural anti-crime, anti-universe, because it has captured human, although intelligence than animals, to kill their loved ones, as parents, spouses, children. Communist action on a far cries from the wolf species potatoes, because potatoes wolves never kill or cannibalism

(See attached document).

7. - In 1956-1958, a number of party members such as intellectual property Tran Dan, Nguyen huu Dang, Le Dat were imprisoned by the Communist Party of imprisonment of 20 years for the "crime" up newspaper "Humanities" and "Age Products". In 1959, communist policy implementation looting property and the means of production in the form of "public private partnership" in urban areas and "agricultural cooperatives" in rural areas.

(See document number ... etc. Attached).

8. - In 1961, the regime imposed on the religious persecution of monks and nuns, destroying temples, churches or uses these facilities for religious purposes outside.

(See document number ...... attached).

9. During the war invaded the south before 1975; Vietnam Communist did kill thousands of South Vietnamese government officials in areas of insecurity. They has buried more than 5,000 civilians and kidnappings carried away to kill 1000 people in Hue during the Tet offensive in 1968 with the order of the name Ho Chi Minh read on the Democratic Republic Vietnam Radio: "Spring is better than some last spring. Straight news all over the house. South North emulation to fight robs jack American enemies. Onward! Complete win at us ". In addition, the regime had fired a rocket at the boulevard horrific killing tens of thousands of innocent people in the Red Summer of Fire in 1972. Shelling in of Cai Lay hundreds Elementary School students under 10 years old in 1974. Could say, our South Vietnamese allies feared as fear of death, us where people seek to flee to the South Vietnamese army to find the cover

(See document number ...... attached).

10. After the communist torn Paris Peace Agreement on Vietnam (dated 01/27/1954) to dispel taking over South Vietnam army is illegal, general abuse of military, civil, South Vietnamese government officials in prisons cruel galaxy CSTV to avenge the sacred forest where toxic water, disguised as re-education camps. Prisoners forced labor, torture, abuse to depression, both mentally and physically. They always nervous tension, more overwork or malnutrition, pain medications, causing thousands of people was killed. On the other hand, according to the results of investigation of two university professors Jackson and Desbarats, at least 65,000 people were executed in the communist prison camp from 1975 to 1983, which is a modest number, in fact it is gay deal more. While her husband was in prison, his wife and children in housing foreclosures and pursue new economic areas, or live roadside dragging or under bridges, sewers. Their son as related to the South Vietnamese government not to college, whether they are outstanding students, but captured soldiers. There are about 60 thousand who are children of this component was killed on the battlefield Cambodia or Vietnam-China border, and more than 100 thousand people with disabilities. While their daughter fell into prostitution to support his mother and younger.

(See attached document ......).

11. - Just after a short time taking over South Vietnam REPUBLIC, the regime has turned the country into the great prison under the name of "the Socialist Republic of Vietnam". We carry out social reform south, which in former communist Colonel Vietnam Journalists Bui Tin (now living in Paris, France), it is in fact just steal people's property, clean economy market progress and shattered infrastructure available south of South Vietnam, causing the country to fall into poverty influential backward until today. Bui Tin journalists also condemned the Vietnamese Communist regime and inhumane, cowardly behavior lose abused military personnel, civil servants and South Vietnamese officials, causing many people to die in the sacred forest authoritarian states such as mentioned above, the Viet Cong army shattered cemetery and gold collection sale terminals, pretending to allow the boat to go to the confiscation of their assets, but then soldiers sinking boat to cross the sea, killing many innocent people.

(See document no ... attached or proposed International Criminal Court called Bui Tin to be a live-witness).

12. - Was too afraid cruelty, intimidation, murder robbery, revenge as one cannibal beast of the Vietnamese Communists, the people had to flee their homes, farms, property, family, relative to in any way, run by road, waterway, causing hundreds of thousands of people to abandon found in the sea, the forest, beaten, robbed, arrested imprisoned, tortured brutally rings. Woman, 10-year-old daughter even were pirates Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Cambodia finished raping thrust into the sea or sold into prostitution. Only some Vietnamese people lucky enough to be in a refugee camp. But also purged difficult to get asylum regulations. When the United Nations is no longer funding, refugee camps have closed, tens of thousands of Vietnamese were forced to return to Vietnam. Because too scared VC, they must hunger strike, self-immolation to look forward to in the tragic loss extremely well due caused by the crimes of the Communists.

(See attached document ......).

13 .- In mid-1978, the Communist open evaluation campaign from the commercial products to industrial and commercial renovation, we have to steal the assets of more than 40 thousand families of the people of the South, making them empty-handed and right dose died crossing over the sea in search of freedom to make the most harrowing and heroic movement of boat people in human history; half a million people die on the sea shook the conscience of humanity, as some countries have pulled boat people out to sea to dock, causing them to death, bury him in the East Coast. Fortunately, the United Nations know this should have emergency meeting in Geneva on 14.11.1978 includes 71 participating countries, to find ways to solve. As a result the United Nations has declared the issue of boat people VN is a common problem of the world and ask the nation if the boat people landed, they must receive and help under the auspices of the United Nations.

(See document number attached ......).

14. - According to a denunciation unpublished letter, written on 18/04/04 in Virginia-USA, that the witness is Mr. Chen H and Mr Hoang Quy said: In order to excuse the invasion of Cambodia in 1978, Vietnam Communist has directed the tragedy extremely barbaric, cruel and disgusting. That is, the night of 18.4.1978, Vietnam Communists have focused everyone on the temples and schools, regardless of age, female big boys and bloodbath 3.157 villagers Ba Chuc in the Vietnam-Cambodia border and blamed Khmer red. Actions sinister plot as throw a rock and then seal the hands of the Vietnam Communist  after the murder mentioned above, is to deceive the public. That action was time to light to the public hearing.

(See document No. ....... attached).

15. - May ...... .......... years ...... 20 ......, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has ordered the Army and the police surrounded the ethnic sub-Protestants in the village........ And killed more than 200 Protestant on the spot.

(See attached document ......).

16. - Crimes followed the Communist Party has sold land and sea transfer of Vietnamese ancestry to China. Crime Communist was by Pham Van Dong, Prime Minister of Vietnam Democratic Rebuplic Government accredited sea through writing assignment island and sent to the Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai on 09/14/1958: "Vietnam Republic Democratic Government recognizes and supports the declaration dated 09.04.1958 of the Government of the People's Republic of China, decided on Chinese waters of the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa ". Selling nature of the communist regime, on 30/12/1999, Hanoi secretly signed with China Agreement on Borders on land. Dated 25/12/2000 and signed the Northern Gulf Demarcation Agreement and the Agreement on Fisheries Cooperation in the Northern Gulf. Through this agreement, Vietnam was lost at the hands of Chinese border 720 square km north of Vietnam, and 11 thousand square kilometers in the Gulf of Northern of Vietnam, loss of fish and other seafood important feed the VN and potential loss of oil and gas beneath the water agar investigation in the Gulf. Sell ​​crimes are ongoing when communist imprisoned young lawyer Le Chi Quang, when he called on the current government in the famous essay "Be wary of the North".

Even when the people of Vietnam to speak out against communist authorities in peaceful manner, knowing the land and the sea of Vietnam was invaded by China, the so-called "court" and Police arrested persecuted, beaten people who love this country around from the South to the North illegally, contrary to the UN charter of human rights by the "Communist State" has signed, but they do not comply. Which according to our assessment, the regime acted against their people in part because of a hooligan, their evil and also because of pressure from China over the term "On Order", as they are often used to persecute, kill Vietnamese, but righteous police officer of the regime to implement these directives evil, nor know "On Order". Clear "On Order" comes from the Order of the genocide by the Chinese Communist order. Please judge to investigate the conditions to access our complicity and those who stoned fingerprints are "command on the" dangerous, worth than sanctions regime.

(See document No... attached)

17. - Now plans to export abroad to labor trafficking accessories bridal nulam Korea & Taiwan as well as the trafficking of minor children to Cambodia for prostitution, but CSTV Home guidelines for pocket money, is a major insult to Vietnam and its people, who are interested feel painful. It is clear that the so-called "communist state" is not interested in people and your country, but is only interested in how to keep the monopoly rule, continue as henchmen for China to be privileged.

(Please see the attached document ......).

In general, since Ho Chi Minh imposing neo-communist non-human, anti peoples of our country in 1930 so far, the party raged know how disastrous for the country and people of Vietnam , which currently decadence consequences both physically and mentally with seven (7) main problem, that Vietnam and its people have to face and resolve. They are:

- Environmental destruction

- Moral corruption

- Corruption from top to bottom

- Discern rich and poor is very far

- Damage to the territory

- Social Injustice

- And loss of national assets.

(See attached document ......).

For the world and the international community of the International Communist crimes have also caused human misery for many, and the crime was also a lot of people sentenced. In the documentary "The Black Book of Communism" by French historian is Mr. Stephane Courtois, research director of the National Center for the Study of French Studies, Mr. Stephane outlined a correct way of crime of the Communists. This is a dark picture of human history, he says, to point out to pay honor to those who died of a communist republic. After listing the famous communist leader cruel world such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., he remarked: "... Above the level of personal crime or slaughtered locally according to local circumstances, the mode. CS consolidation of power by raising the mass slaughter policy to every rule ... “

(See document number ...... attached).

01/25/2006 Council of Europe (HDAC), a mechanism consisting of 46 member countries, adopted Resolution 1481, stressed the need for all humanity should condemn and expose the crimes of the totalitarian communist regime. Although Central and Eastern Europe is no longer the CS, but HDAC still needs this, for crimes CS have not been investigated and the culprit has not been brought to trial, while some countries are still dominated by we thugs. Therefore, the regime also is a threat to all mankind.

For Vietnam, the need to condemn the crimes of the communist regime not only to tell the world public opinion, but also for the U.S., the international community, especially the vague crime of CSTV enlightenment.

(See Map Resolution B6-0629/2005 of the European Parliament For the regime to respect human rights and release all political prisoners, religious and Resolution 481 of 2006 of the Council of Europe European attachment).

Since the communism and communists appeared on Earth nearly 100 years ago, that was murdering hundreds of millions living in the world. Particularly in Vietnam, millions of our dear siblings have died sudden this by neo inhuman brutality. Because accurate perception as such, should the Republic of Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem call the communism is a "monster".

(Please see the attached document ......).

With the formal proof, honesty above, we respectfully ask Mr. Attorney and other competent criminal court, an investigation of witnesses, physical evidence, criminal contempt trial frame that abided not forgiveness that people cannot forget which named Ho Chi Minh, the serious crimes leader. He is one of the Chinese spies disguised as Vietnamese(Requirements for DNA Ho Chi Minh's body for examination and autopsy to prove the truth). He is founder of the Vietnam Communist party, the former President of the so-called “Democratic Republic Government of Vietnam”, is now the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. Ho Chi Minh is the key criminals, also names the main accomplices was Truong Chinh (deceased), Le Duan (dead), Nguyen Van Linh (deceased), Do Muoi, Le Duc Anh, Tran Duc Luong, Le Kha Phieu, Nong Duc Manh, Nguyen Phu Trong, Truong Tan Sang, Nguyen Tan Dung, Phung Quang Thanh, Nguyen Chi Vinh, Tran Dai Quang, Nguyen Thai Binh, Nguyen Minh Triet, Phan Van Khai, Ha Hung Cuong, Nguyen Sinh Hung, a felony within, to bring justice, right reason and honor for all the people of Vietnam and to set an example for humanity across the globe know and to avoid the dangers of godless communism, tyranny, terrorism, genocide, against humanity.

With the crimes of the communist Vietnam has risen,

We request the International Criminal Court decision agreed judgment and decision ordered the Vietnamese Communist Crimes compensation for consequential damages and loss of Vietnam led by Ho Chi Minh and his accomplice in their party leadership has hurt human life, property and has deceived millions of victims of the Vietnamese people:

1. - If the suspect is not dead does not appear for arraignment, we ask the court issue for arrest warrants.

2. - If accused of violating the law-abiding to appear in court, ask the court sentenced or

propaganda penalty:

Former Founding Chairman of the party, former President of the so-called “Democratic Republic Government of Vietnam” is now the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam name Ho Chi Minh (death) and the lime within the Truong Chinh (dead), Le Duan ( death), Le Duc Anh, Tran Duc Luong, Do Muoi, Le Kha Phieu, Nong Duc Manh, Nguyen Phu Trong, Truong Tan Sang, Nguyen Tan Dung, Phung Quang Thanh, General Nguyen Chi Vinh, Tran Dai Quang, Nguyen Thai Binh , Nguyen Minh Triet, Phan Van Khai, Ha Hung Cuong, Nguyen Sinh Hung, penal concept (punishment) and civil liability (compensation) to victims, their relatives, their families, whether the victims died or alive.

3. - And we also ask the court to order all defendants to:

a. - Release immediately and unconditionally compensation worthy and return land and property for religious prisoners, politics, land rights, the patriotic fellow protesters, the military, citizens, officials, political allies, the Religious, political parties, individuals, families victims of communist Vietnam, the Vietnamese refugee regime, because the regime of arbitrary persecution, massacre and rape account illegal. From the date of the order, if the defendants delay compensation for each day, will be charged the additional 30% of the overall amount of compensation to the victims.

b. refund all the money the lawyer, the cost of printing, copying of documents, translation, travel, accommodation for the applicant, witnesses and paid completely Court all court fees.

4. - Judgment into effect, executed immediately after the date of the judgment of the Court.

Respectfully ask Mr. Attorney here sincere love and gratitude of the Provisional National Government of Vietnam and 86 million people in the country and 4 millions of Vietnamese communist refugees around the world.

Prime Minister to the Provisional National Government of Vietnam


(Signed and Seal)

Attachment: The following specific documentation including staff, parents, siblings, children of victims and full exhibits, video, movies, books, reference documents. 


Doan Viet Tuyen

26.02.2017 10:26



06.03.2013 01:01

There is a typo in line 7 of the first paragraph of the ICC petition:
typo: "crimes against criminals..."
should be: crimes against humanity

Prof. Long Nguyen

08.03.2013 02:42

Thanks for your indicates. I think in this case both "Criminals" or "Humanity" can be used.

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Kinh cam on cho thong tin ve Tina Dao
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03.10 | 06:02

Ai đó cho cpqgvnlt là "tào lao" ... Nhưng sao nhà báo quốc tế này tìm đến phỏng vấn? Chỉ vì ai đó ngu ngốc hết biết - rõ là mị dân cấp tồi !

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