PO Box 2807, Anaheim, CA. 92814




California, October 18th, 2021


We have just been informed by the United States Department of State that General Colin Luther Powell, 65th Secretary of State (2001 - 2005), passed away on the morning of October 18, 2021.


The Honorable Imperial Duke President Dao Minh Quan and the Provisional National Government of the Third Republic of Vietnam (PNGVN) would like to extend their condolences to the Government and people of the United States. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the family of the late Secretary of State Colin Powell.


We are grateful to Former Secretary of State Colin Luther Powell. We will always remember and be grateful to him because he twice participated in supporting our war to protect Vietnam, when he was an advisor to the Army of South Vietnam (ARVN) from 1962 to 1963. and was a senior tactical advisor to the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment, 1st Division, Army of the Republic of Vietnam. In particular, as US Secretary of State, His Holiness sent a Note of Support to our President on September 28, 2001, when the President was holding the position of Prime Minister of our country.


Sincere condolences


On behalf of the President,

Hui Lam, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs

And all members of the PNGVN






PO Box 2807, Anaheim, CA. 92814


Số: 001-20211015/VPTT/CB/BT Ngày 15.10.2021


Căn cứ theo phán quyết của toà án Môi Trường Quốc Tế tại Hoa Kỳ số ENC201215 ngày 14.4.2021 thì 5 tên can phạm CSVN chính sau đây:

1- Nguyễn Phú Trọng,  77 tuổi, Tổng Bí Thư

2- Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, 67 tuổi, Chủ Tịch

3- Tô Lâm, 64 tuổi, Bộ Trưởng Công An

4- Phạm Minh Chính, 62 tuổi, Thủ Tướng

5- Phạm Bình Minh, 62 tuổi, Phó Thủ Tướng

và 1 triệu đảng viên Cộng Sản Việt Nam đồng lõa, mỗi tên phải bồi thường cho Tổng Thống Đào Minh Quân số tiền là 20 tỷ Mỹ Kim.


Tòa án còn ra lệnh các can phạm phải trả thêm tiền lãi 8̀% mỗi 3 tháng đối với những thiệt hại chưa được thanh toán. Đến hôm nay là hơn 60 ngày rồi mà những tội phạm nói trên chưa thanh toán được tiền phạt nên CPQGVNLT-Đệ III VNCH sẽ tiến hành các thủ tục pháp lý theo phán quyết của Tòa Án.

Do đó, các chính phủ và các công ty đang giao dịch với cái gọi là "Nhà Nước" này nên lưu ý:

Cái gọi là "Nhà nước" Cộng hòa Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam do đảng cộng sản Việt Nam lãnh đạo có thể bị phá sản trước khi tan rã.

Cáo Thị này đã được gửi đến 5 tên can phạm chính.

Văn Phòng Thường Trực Chính Phủ

Công Bố





Standing Office

PO Box 2807, Anaheim, CA. 92814


August 27, 2021


Dear Generals, Delegates, Commanding Officers, Officials, Members, Colleagues!

Ladies and gentlemen!

The Strategic Command has just informed us that the Vice President of the United States even though she had to rush back to the US yesterday, August 26, 2021 because of the upheavals. In particular, the Taliban took over Afghanistan and tried to prevent the evacuation of Americans trapped at Kabul airport. But she also kept her promise to raise human rights issues with the Communist Party of Vietnam, although not strongly. However, intervening for two members of the PNG of VN, who are also US citizens, Ms. Angel Phan and Colonel James Nguyen, were arrested by the Communist Party of Vietnam on charges of plotting to overthrow the government. These two have been released, but want to spend more time in Vietnam to arrange family matters and then return to the US. They still look healthy, fatter and whiter in appearance.

The Provisional National Government of Vietnam (PNG of VN), the 3rd Republic of Vietnam thanked the Government and especially the US Department of State for always paying attention to our two members, so the Vietnamese Communists did not dare to play tricks, even with those in prison. they treat them better than other prisons.

We would like to convey this good news to the families of the two members and wish them a happy reunion and reunion day. After spending time with family and relatives, VPTT/CPQGVNLT will be very pleased to hold a reunion with Delegates Angel Phan and Colonel James Nguyen at Tu Nghia Duong.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The Communist Party of Vietnam (CSVN) is just a minion of the CCP (TC) disguised as the "Government" of our country. These guys, since their presence in the North led by bandit general Ho Chi Minh, used force to seize power from the cabinet of Tran Trong Kim in 1945 and later created the so-called "State of Vietnam Democratic Republic" to fight, rob, kill, create a blood-and-bones battle, dominate the whole North and then take advantage of our people's strength to invade the South in 1975 to invade the South in 1975 called the "State" of the present Socialist Republic Vietnam.

During more than 75 years, this gang has never been elected by the people to represent the country and the people of Vietnam. They are impersonating "rulers" to dominate the people, serving the hegemonic intentions of China. They applied the dictatorial, exclusive and cruel way of foreign Communism to rule the Vietnamese people. This ideology is completely different from the nature of the majority (92%) of Vietnamese people. The two so-called powerful organs of this government, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, and the so-called "National Assembly" of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, are made up of only their own party members, a bunch of idiots, idiots, led by corrupt people. Oh, the evil leader, under the covert direction of the CCP, can only execute according to the party's orders, which they disguise as "Command from Above" or "Leadership" so that no one is directly responsible.

Next, the police are the Vietnam Communist (VC), arresting the people is the VC, killing the people is the VC, the Party Committee is the VC, the Procures is the VC, the court is the VC, the Supreme Court is also the VC, how do people know where to run, how to do it to exit?

Fortunately, with the close and important help of the United States and the Allies, the support of the Government of the Third Republic of Vietnam has partly prevented that VC's cruel web of spider webs on innocent Vietnamese civilians.

As everyone knows, the Communists of Vietnam always deceive, cover the international eyes, under the guise of being "The Ruler" with eighteen (18) communist oligarchs and Chinese henchmen and over two hundred (200) accomplices in the conspiracy called "Political Department", leading a peripheral division named "State", as a real "Ruler", but very tyrannical, like an iron pin strangling people's lives with a full range of departments and professions, but they are all controlled by uncultured CS thugs in this "Political Ministry". They also created the so-called "Vietnam Congress", which is also the dozen of these oligarchs, passed on from father to son, acting together, performing theater plays, buying mandarins, selling chairs, calling each other "Deputies of the National Assembly". Although the name has not finished the third grade and also has a "5-year term", as a "Democratic Government".

In fact, this "Congress" has a term for life. For example, the 12th National Assembly, only 493 party members occupied all the seats of "Deputies" more than 12 years ago. After that, every 5 years, these 493 names of these "Deputy" rowing wards re-elect themselves to sell the "National Assembly" of the 13th term from 2011 to 2015. And this so-called "National Assembly" of the 13th term also "elects" the National Assembly. The 14th session of the term 2016-2021 with 496 current "Delegates". All these "National Assembly deputies" are Communist Party members who seize power, not elected by the people, are a bunch of rowers that do not represent the country and the Vietnamese people. Because the Communist Party of China, the Communist Party of Vietnam and the so-called "State" of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam have violated human rights and committed crimes of terrorism, robbery and murder, the International Environmental Court has ruled that they must compensate President ĐÀO, the 3rd Republic of Vietnam 38 trillion USD according to the order No. ENC201215 dated April 14, 2021.

With the humanitarian help of the First Great Power of the United States and the Allied nations who are accompanying the IMPERIAL DUKE PRESIDENT DAO MINH QUAN, this ARVN-III National Government is currently the only lifeline of the Vietnamese compatriots. If the whole people do not want to live in a dark, miserable mind, do not want to suffer the iron pincers of the evil communists of the Communist Party of Vietnam, do not want to be poisoned, starve, be colonized by China, or devastated by war, causing grief, destroyed, then the only democratic and legal way is to quickly invite each other to participate in the Referendum through a confidential and secure electronic system at or

As the PNG of VN/the Third Rebuplic of Vietnam, a peaceful, humanitarian, peace-loving, people-loving Vietnam, we always pray to God and Buddha to enlighten all Vietnamese people, including officials. , soldiers and members of the Communist Party of Vietnam awakened to not cooperate with the illegitimate Communists.

Peace, Justice and Love will help you and your friends not to help communist oligarchs commit crimes and terrorize the people, lest they bring disaster on themselves, unable to cope, and create isolation. scattered, mourning, dead. , disease, poverty. for all Vietnamese people.

Best regards

Standing Office of PNG of Vietnam



Có câu nói rằng:

"Cái chết dạy cho chúng ta giá trị của cuộc sống"

"Đau khổ dạy chúng ta giá trị của sự nhẫn nhịn"

"Nỗi buồn dạy chúng ta giá trị của hạnh phúc"

"Cái đói dạy chúng ta giá trị của sự thiết yếu"

"Nỗi đau dạy cho chúng ta giá trị của sự toàn vẹn"

Vào thời điểm này, trong thời kỳ đại dịch trên toàn thế giới, mọi người xung quanh, người nghèo, người giàu, già trẻ đều đang phải trải qua một thời gian khó khăn. Một số gia đình mất người thân, một số mất việc làm không có thu nhập, một số khó kiếm miếng ăn, một số khác cảm thấy đau khổ vì bệnh tật, một số thì tinh thần căng thẳng. Trải qua thời gian bị phong tỏa và không được tự do di chuyển.

Trong thời gian này, tất cả chúng ta nên hướng về Ơn Trên với Thượng Đế, và để Thiên Đàng nói chuyện với chúng ta. Hãy mở lòng mình với tâm linh. Hãy dành một chút thời gian để suy nghĩ về Chúa trong thời điểm quan trọng này. Tất cả chúng ta đều ở trên cùng một con thuyền. Tất cả chúng ta đang trải qua một trận mưa lớn và hy vọng rằng mưa sẽ không kéo dài để nắng sớm trở lại.

Dù muốn hay không thì tất cả chúng ta đều là nạn nhân. Chúng ta hãy chấp nhận điều này một cách tích cực. Đã đến lúc tất cả chúng ta nên nhìn vào bên trong và cố gắng nghe những gì Chúa đang nói với chúng ta. Đây là lúc chúng ta có thể học hỏi được nhiều điều nhất, vì điều này chỉ xảy ra một lần trong thời gian sống của chúng ta. Cố gắng nghĩ về Chúa, nói về Chúa và nếu có thể chia sẻ cảm giác của bạn với Ngài bằng cách nói chuyện với Ngài.

Qua Bức Tâm Thư của Tổng Thống kính yêu của chúng ta, ĐỨC QUỐC CÔNG ĐÀO MINH QUÂN, Ngài đề cập đến giá trị của chúng ta trong tất cả những giá trị mà chúng ta được trân trọng bởi cách chúng ta đối mặt với hoàn cảnh khi đang trải qua và vượt qua nó. Chúng ta phải ghi nhớ và suy nghĩ về những lời này của Tổng Thống và cố gắng làm tốt nhất có thể. Đây là thời gian đang định hình chúng ta trong con người chính mình. Tất cả chúng ta sẽ trở nên mạnh mẽ hơn vào lúc cuối cùng.

Đó là một bài kiểm tra cho tất cả chúng ta từ tất cả những gì chúng ta đã học được trong cuộc sống và bây giờ để áp dụng nó vào thực tế. Mọi khoảnh khắc đều quan trọng vì chúng ta có thể tìm thấy câu trả lời hoặc giải pháp cho những khó khăn của chúng ta trong suốt thời gian thực tế này.

Chúng ta hãy nhìn vào chính mình và nghe thấy giọng nói nhỏ nhẹ vẫn truyền đến với chúng ta: “Hãy ở lại với tôi, bạn không đơn độc. Tôi ở đây với bạn".   

(Original in English)     




There is saying that goes:

“Death teaches us the value of life”

“Suffering teaches us the value of forbearance”

“Sadness teaches us the value of happiness”

“Hunger teaches us the value of being in need”

“Pain teaches us the value of being whole”

In this time, during the pandemic worldwide, people around, the poor, the rich, the young and old are all going through a hard time. Some families lose their loved ones, some lose their job and have no income, some having difficulty to find food while others feel the suffering from being ill, some are also feeling the mental stress. Experiencing lockdown and not free to move around.

During this time all of us should turn to heaven to God, and let heaven talk to us. Open ourselves to spirituality. Spend some time to think about God in this critical time. All of us are in the same boat. We are all experiencing a heavy rain and hoping that the rain would not prolong so that the sun will shine again soon.

Whether we like it or not all of us are the victims. Let us accept this positively. It is time for all of us to look inside and try to hear what God is saying to us. This is the time we can learn the most because this only happens once in our live time. Try to think of God, talk about God and if can share your feeling to Him by just talking to Him.

According to the Heart Letter of our beloved President, IMPERIAL DUKE ĐÀO MINH QUÂN, where He mentioned our value in all of us is valued by how we face the situation when we are experiencing and going through it ourselves. We must remember and think about these words of the President and try to do our best. Here time is shaping us in the person we are. All of us will come out stronger at the end.

It’s a test to all of us from all that we have learned in life and now to apply it practically. Every moment counts because we might find the answer or solution to our difficulties along the way during this testing period.

Let us look in ourselves and hear that still small voice that wisphers to us: “Stay with me, you are not alone. I’m here with you”.



Quotes of Love

There are many colours of love. Just like the flowers with different colours. One is the love for God, love for the Master, love for the mother and father, love between husband and wife, love between brother and sister, love for friends, love for a lover as well as love for animal beings. If you take a paint brush and paint the colours of love on a piece of paper you can see the image of love in its beauty. Just like when someone gives you a bouquet of flowers with different colours. Let's paint these colours of love in our hearts so that we may look beautiful.

I believe that one way or the other, we are all familiar with love. Let’s look at some quotes from the bible about where the love originated.

  • Anyone who does not love does not know God, because GOD IS LOVE (1 John 4:7-8).
  • God is light, and in him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5).

All actions, speeches and thoughts which are good to be considered as godly. So, we can be confident that we are all the children of light, shining from God upon us who is the source of love. And through the love of God flows the fruit of love which is kindness, humbleness, long suffering, goodness, patience, peace...etc.

Love is spiritual. Love endures everything and forgives everyone.

We need oil to drive a vehicle, likewise love is like the oil, we need it to keep us alive.

 As Lao Tze quotes, “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

The Bible has invited us to love our enemies, it sounds like the end of the world for many. But why?

Because the world we live in is ruled by revenge and jealousy. Everywhere we can notice people using this method of vengeance and jealousy to fulfill their ungodly intention.

In our life, we are constantly battling against each other, representing between the two forces of good and evil, right and wrong, and love and hatred. When you allow yourself to be angry, you will lose your power and energy to the enemy; if you act by jealousy, you are bringing a gift to give them. Please be mindful of every of your action, thought and speech!

We must protect the weak, uphold righteousness, defend the truth, strive to do that which is good so that we can be called the children of God, children of Light.

All of us are not perfect but at least we should try our best. Allow me to share a quote by Mother Teresa.

“If you are kind, people may accuse you of hidden motives. Be kind anyway.

If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.

 If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

 For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”

In the 18 virtue concepts of the Imperial Duke Đào Minh Quân, the 7th is “Our most Wisdom is Love”

What is your most favourite quote of Love? Can you share with me?

Mine is what the 1st and the   2nd Commandments from the bible which says, to Love God with all your heart, mind and soul and to Love your neighbour as yourself and all other commandments will follow.


Finally, I would like to quote what the Imperial Duke Đào Minh Quân mentioned about His name when teaching his colleagues: “ĐÀO MINH QUÂN means TO LOVE, TO SERVE and TO SACRIFICE. If you lack one of those, you are not Đào Minh Quân.”

In this world there exists a power which is forceful but yet unseen to our eyes. It empowers everything and everyone in this world.  It has changed our lives by making a difference.

This power gives us happiness, courage, strength, confidence, hope to endure, and brighten up our lives. Without this unseen powerful force, our lives will appear to be dead and meaningless.

This power makes us live our lives in our reality and we fully benefit from the manifestation of it. Can you guess what this power is called?

It absorbs the power from nature like the sun, wind and waves and is transformed into its own form to serve the people. Yes, it is called none other than electricity. We can’t imagine what it looks like yet we can see and believe that it exists. It generates almost every invention that exists in this world.

Likewise, does the power of Love resemble the power of electricity? The power of Love even unseen yet exists in all of us. We were created by God in His image to manifest this love. To be like Him. All of us are inventions through God TO LOVE, SERVE AND SACRIFICE. We can make the difference and prove our worthiness, you will surely see the magic transformation by this power.

Can we notice this power of love in the IMPERIAL DUKE ĐÀO MINH QUÂN. It’s a POWER OF LOVE FROM GOD.

I can notice the amount of the power of love and sacrifice that he has put, which is being manifested through his biography and what we can see in Tụ Nghĩa Đường, read in the constitution…ect.

All this which the Imperial Duke has done will brighten up your lives, give you the hope, happiness, confidence, strength and courage to move you forward. Thanks to his uncountable power of love, sacrifice, inventions and ideas which he has brought to serve all of you, his colleagues and people.

All this, the IMPERIAL DUKE ĐÀO MINH QUÂN, will be noted down in Vietnamese history as the greatest Imperial Duke, Leader and Teacher of your time.



Dear comrades, ARVN Veterans, the United States, and its allies.
Dear friends, fellow compatriots, fellow CPQGVNLT - Third Republic of Vietnam

The Vietnamese Militia along with US and Allied forces of the Republic of Vietnam fought side by side together for nearly 20 years, from 1955 to 1973, to defend South Vietnam from invasions by the Communists and Viet Cong. This friendship is sublime, indelible.

To express gratitude and respect to the US servicemen who fought and died in Vietnam, and to show the enduring friendship between the United States and Vietnam and allied nations around the world, IMPERIAL DUKE DAO MINH QUAN, THE THIRD PRESIDENT OF THE RVN, ARVN lieutenant, Commander of the Black Tiger Squad in Dong Ha, Quang Tri, in tactical zone I before 1975, and his soldiers and followers, on behalf of the Vietnamese compatriots to complete the construction of the Hexagonal Monument, to engrave the names of the American heroes, as forever inscribed in the hearts of all Vietnamese compatriots.

The Organizing Committee invites all of you to attend the Grand Opening Ceremony of the Hexagon Tower at Tu Nghia Duong, 10800 Sierra Road, Adelanto, CA. 92301 according to date and time was chosen by the majority to register through the website of the CPQGVNLT, at the link:

On the inauguration ceremony of Luc Giac Dai, the permanent office of the PNG of Vietnam will announce the results of the International Environmental Court's Judgment, case number: ENC201215 on April 14, 2021, which ruled that the President Đào Minh Quân won the case against China and the Communist Party of Vietnam 38,000 billion US dollars.

We are pleased to announce this good news to all our comrades, patriots, veterans of the United States and the Republic of Vietnam, and Vietnamese compatriots around the world. Sincerely invite all of you to attend the Inauguration Ceremony of Hexagon Monument, to offer gratitude and respect to the heroic spirit of 58,721 American soldiers who died for peace, independence, and freedom of Vietnam and at the same time see firsthand a copy of the most important lawsuit on the planet.

Dear comrades, patriotic nobles of the United States, Vietnam and its allies, and Vietnamese compatriots, attending the Inauguration Ceremony, please fill in the registration information on the following link: before August 31, 2021.

Organizing Committee
The Third Republic of Vietnam


Lt. General - Hue Lam, +1 587-436-9908



California, ngày 29 Tháng 07 Năm 2021

Kính gửi:       Quý chiến hữu, Quý Cựu chiến binh QLVNCH, Hoa Kỳ và đồng minh

Quý bằng hữu, Quý đồng bào, đồng nhiệm CPQGVNLT – VNCH Đệ Tam

Dân-Quân Việt Nam cùng với các lực lượng Hoa Kỳ và Đồng Minh của VNCH đã chiến đấu bên nhau trong gần 20 năm, kể từ 1955 đến 1973, để bảo vệ miền Nam Việt Nam trước cuộc xâm lược của Tàu Cộng và Việt Cộng. Tình hữu nghị này thật cao cả, không thể phai mờ.  

Để bày tỏ tấm lòng biết ơn và tôn kính đối với các quân nhân Hoa Kỳ đã cùng chiến đấu và hy sinh, đồng thời thể hiện tình hữu nghị bền vững giữa Hoa Kỳ - Việt Nam cùng với các quốc gia đồng minh trên thế giới, ĐỨC QUỐC CÔNG ĐÀO MINH QUÂN, TỔNG THỐNG THỨ BA của VNCH, Trung úy QLVNCH, Trưởng Biệt đội Black Tiger ở Đông Hà, Quảng Trị, thuộc vùng I chiến thuật, và Dân-Quân-Cán–Chính CPQGVNLT – VNCH Đệ Tam, đã thay mặt đồng bào Việt Nam xây dựng hoàn tất công trình LỤC GIÁC ĐÀI, để ghi khắc tôn danh của các vị anh hùng Hoa Kỳ đáng kính, như mãi mãi được ghi khắc trong tim của tất cả đồng bào Việt Nam.  

Ban Tổ Chức kính mời tất cả quý vị tham dự Đại Lễ Khánh Thành Lục Giác Đài tại Tụ Nghĩa Đường, số 10800 Đường Sierra, Adelanto, CA. 92301 theo ngày giờ được đa số chọn lựa ghi tên qua website của của CPQGVNLT, tại đường link:

Nhân dịp lễ hội khánh thành Lục Giác Đài, VPTT CPQGVNLT- ĐTVNCH sẽ công bố kết qủa Phán Quyết của Tòa Án Môi Trường Quốc tế, số hồ sơ: ENC201215 ngày 14/4/2021 đã xét xử ĐỨC QUỐC CÔNG thắng kiện Tàu Cộng và CSVN 38 ngàn tỳ Mỹ Kim.

Chúng tôi trân trọng thông báo tin vui này đến tất cả quý chiến hữu, những nhà yêu nước, cựu quân nhân Hoa Kỳ và VNCH, quý đồng bào Việt Nam trên toàn thế giới. Trân trọng kính mời tất cả quý vị đến tham dự Lễ Khánh Thành Lục Giác Đài, để cùng dâng niềm tri ân và tưởng kính đến anh linh 58,721 chiến sĩ Hoa Kỳ đã ngã xuống cho hòa bình, độc lập và tự do của Việt Nam và đồng thời tận mắt nhìn thấy bản sao văn bản vụ kiện quan trọng nhất hành tinh này.  

Quý chiến hữu, quý thức giả yêu nước của Hoa Kỳ, Việt Nam và đồng minh, cùng đồng bào Việt Nam, tham dự Lễ Khánh Thành, vui lòng điền thông tin đăng ký vào đường link sau đây: trước ngày 31/08/2021.

Trân trọng



Trung Tướng Lâm Ái Huệ

+1 587-436-9908 


Henry Stone

Soaring with a Grounded Attitude, Imperial Duke President Đào Minh Quân


The personality of Imperial Duke President Đào Minh Quân needs no introduction. He is known by people worldwide for his loyalty to the country, boundless love for the people, patience, perseverance, and persistence. He is determined to dissolve the Vietnamese communists, and bring Peace, Freedom, and Love for the country. Although his intentions are pure and beneficial for Vietnam, he is still portrayed negatively by the Vietnamese Communist’s media.  This 68-year-old diligent individual has been working tirelessly for more than four decade to bring relief to the people of his country.  In addition to his efforts to free them from the chains of communism, Imperial Duke President Đào Minh Quân is also known for his numerous charities and funds.  He is one of those down-to-earth individuals who thinks for the greater good and wants to make his country a better place to live in.  Imperial Duke President Đào Minh Quân aims to provide the needy with the basic necessities of life and be a source of light in their lives.

Imperial Duke President Đào Minh Quân was initially a part of the military of the Republic of Vietnam (RVN).  After the communists’ party and rule invaded the country, most of the soldiers were arrested, including him.  He realized that he could not spend the rest of his life here, so he crossed the sea with his family and settled in the United States on August 14, 1980.  Settling and living in America made him realize how backward his country was.  He wanted Vietnam to have the same infrastructure, government, and rules as he experienced in America. Moreover, he wanted his country to be free.  In order for his thoughts to come to life, he put his knowledge and experience to use and soon became one of the leading IT tycoons in America.  He owned many successful businesses in America. He was an engineer of Measurement System & Controls company and researching Computer / IBM Compatible. He has also implemented and improved Bios (Basic I / O System) and founded Clone Master Inc. In 1983-1984, he experimented with producing a computer called Dao Computer that the speed was nearly twice as fast as the IBM computer but cheaper, called the “IBM Clone”, and founded “Dao Computer Inc”. In addition, he was also the head of the trade magazine “Vietnam Business Magazine,” the President of the international trading company “Pacific Trading and Consulting,” and the owner of the “Teletech Paging” Company and the “Magic-Talk” company.

Giving Back to the Community

Since Imperial Duke President Đào Minh Quân felt greatly for the citizens of Vietnam, he wanted to contribute in different ways to help them.  Based on his own money from his companies, he created a fund for young students, newcomers to the United States.  He taught English and also learned to use computers to integrate into the third country.

In 1995, the United States planned to engage in trading with the Vietnamese communists. The UN stopped funding communist refugee camps in Southeast Asia, while there were still 200,000 Vietnamese refugees stuck in five countries, including Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines.  While the host authorities also decided to close these camps, suppressing the refugees to force them to repatriate. Vietnamese communist refugees who fled the country had to endure dangerous arduous journeys. Forced repatriation was like falling hell.   Moreover, due to the lack of funding, the Vietnamese in 17 refugee camps in Southeast Asia at that time fell into despair, living short of both food and medicine and being sick.  Having no choice, they spontaneously struggled without organization, command, and leader, so they were even more severely suppressed.  Being aware of the tragic scenes, Imperial Duke President Đào Minh Quân made a difficult decision and sold the rights of the BIOS and his businesses.  He needed financial funds to help his compatriots in 17 refugee camps.  He helped them physically and mentally.  Imperial Duke President Đào Minh Quân personally and silently went to the refugee camps to comfort their spirits, opened teaching classes, and founded the New Democracy movement there.  He sent them medicine, clothes, and books, instructing them to fight in an organized, commanding, legal and non-violent manner.

Imperial Duke President Đào Minh Quân’s lifesaving appearance gave the Vietnamese refugees confidence again, and they felt they had support. He instructed them to rebuild the tents to live in, build homes for the orphans, opened teaching classes, instructed them to build tables and chairs, and provided them with the necessities, including cloth to make uniforms: trousers and shirts for men and dresses for women.  All the Vietnamese in the 17 refugee camps were strengthened and formed into formation, trained, and began to have a New Democratic movement in the refugee camps.

The heart of Imperial Duke President Đào Minh Quân is consistent, immense, and generous to his Vietnamese people, even after suffering from countless disrespectful treatment, even lack of fairness that some newspapers and overseas Vietnamese treated him.  On April 14, 2021, the International Environment Court declared and delivered a Judgment Award to his lawsuit against Chinese Communists and Vietnamese Communists, that he won the US $38 trillion.  He has no intention of using it to enrich himself.  But, as he said, “We will share this victory with the United States and the free world, as well as to help and rescue the Vietnamese people and all humanity from the communist red devil.



PO Box 2807, Anaheim, CA, 92814

June 1st, 2021


The soldiers whom will be never forgotten

To: All American Soldiers, All Veterans, and our Allies

Your Family, Friends and Colleagues,

Soldiers and veterans are the heroes of the country and are remembered daily for the bravery and sacrifices to stay on the front lines to defend the Fatherland and the compatriots.

What's even more special, however, is on Memorial Day every year, when people gather physically and mentally to thank your service and sacrifice and honor your bravery.

̣Our honorable Imperial Duke President, Dao Minh Quan, and all members of the Republic of Vietnam, the Third - Provisional National Government of Vietnam, would like to express our sincere thanks, gratitude, tribute, respects to all 58,721 US Soldiers, and all Allied Soldiers, fought for Freedom to protect South Vietnam from invasion Communist Party of North Vietnam, and died in the Vietnam War before April 30, 1975.

Taking this opportunity, we would also like to thank all your families, Parents, Spouse, Children, who have always fully supported your decision and the time you had to take on mission away from home, especially the Children without Parental care on a daily basis.

We wish your Family to always be healthy, strong and happy. You and your Families are always in our hearts, will be never be forgotten. God bless you and your family.

God bless America, Vietnam and all of our Allies.

Sincerely Yours,



Đào Minh Quân, the Founder of Neo-Doctrine Democracy

By  Vishnu Chaudhari

May 8, 2021

The debate of democracy versus communism is an old one. It has been under the spotlight since the time Russia adopted it constitutionally. Although both of the ideologies have their own plus points, there is one that is largely practiced by countries all over the world and is considered the better of the two by many – democracy.

In today’s day and age, democracy is considered the best form of government because it provides equal opportunities to all, without any discrimination. It frees a country from the comparison of the rich and the poor, unhealthy and healthy, successful and unsuccessful, and so on. Each person is capable of voicing their opinions and thoughts without hesitation and fear. On the other hand, communism practices things in a different manner. It focuses on a central management system and negates all the concepts of private properties, religions, and has a dictatorship government strategy. While the majority of the world’s countries practice democracy, China, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam are the only ones following a communist government. As the world has evolved with time, the people living in these four countries have started to realize the true potential of a democratic government. But only a few of them are courageously raising their voice against it, and one of them is Sir Đào Minh Quân. He belongs to Vietnam, which has realized the real damage caused by communism to his country.

Passionate to Bring A Change

Mr. Dao Minh Quan, a son of the Vietnamese Nation of thousands of years of civilization, is a genuine man, filial son, faithful husband, exemplary father, and a sincere friend. As a soldier, he was heroic with a resilient strategy. He patiently sacrificed himself for the country’s people. His life showed every page of transparency in Vietnamese history and is clearly depicted in the Third R.V.N Constitution.

President Dao Minh Quan’s alias name is Đào Văn. He was born on September 16, 1952, in Thị Nghè village, Gia Định province. His father is Mr. Đào Thế, a native of Trúc Lâm village (deceased) and his Mother is Mrs. Nguyễn Thị Hạnh, from Phủ Cam village (deceased).  More importantly, he is the Descendent of Grand Prince Hưng Đạo, a Vietnamese Royal Prince, statesman, and military commander.   President Đào Minh Quân is the hope of change for the people of Vietnam. Being in a communist country since April 30, 1975, the people of Vietnam are now facing severe issues adjusting with people in foreign countries. Governed under a dictatorial government all their lives, the citizens feel alienated when interacting with people from other countries. Sir Đào Minh Quân joined various Vietnamese patriotic organizations to fulfill his dream of freeing his country from the chains of communism. In 1987, Sir Đào Minh Quân founded the Vietnam New Democratic Movement. After the Vietnamese New Democracy Party’s original structural system became the New Humanism, he began meeting and motivating reputable politicians. He also met seniors for their opinion to assemble a Grand Conference of Compatriots. This conference would express their determination for unity and unison in the policy of nationalism. It would also stress upon having sufficient stature in announcing the Compatriots Resolution. This resolution would display the Compatriot’s power to dissolve the regimes set up by Vietnam communists without the need to execute a bloody revolution.


From 1967 to 1968, he attended the Phan Thanh Gian (secondary school level I). Although he was only 16 years old, he used his older brother’s birth certificate to enroll in the army and took part in the commando course at Son Tra /Non-Nuoc camp. He then went on to assist Mr. Robert D. Ohman, the journalist. He then became the First Lieutenant of the 122nd Battalion, serving at the Command Post of Quảng Trị subregion, the frontier area, and stationed at Bo Ben Bridge. Sir Đào Minh Quân was later promoted as a Lieutenant Commander of a Special Task Forces Unit called ‘Black Tiger,’ with the slogan “Go silent and return without words” to hunt the oligarchs.

With deep gratitude from the US Government, the Americans, and the Warriors, the President of Vietnam, Đào Minh Quân, and the Descendants of the Republic of Vietnam built the Hexagon Wall Monument. The monument was built by themselves from their heart and soul. They built it to commemorate, honor, and pay tribute to 58,721 warriors of the US Allies. These allies had sacrificed themselves to defend and protect the Vietnamese people during the Vietnam War. The wall was completed in 2020.

Striving to bring a change, Sir Đào Minh Quân never shied away from struggling. He faced all the hardships and challenging times. He was also imprisoned for more than three years in communist prison camps. Sir Đào escaped it and then moved to the States. As Sir Đào Minh Quân’s family was not fond of the communist governmental system, they moved to the States on August 14, 1980, and chose Los Angeles as their humble abode.

Although away from his homeland, Sir Đào Minh Quân never abandoned his roots. He was constantly clouded by the thoughts of the citizens of Vietnam. Living in a nation with no restrictions and complete freedom, Sir Đào Minh Quân wished the same for his fellow citizens too.

Đào’s Ventures in America 

Living in the States, Sir Đào Minh Quân graduated as an Information technology specialist and was invited by Measurement System and Controls firm to be an engineer. He studied Computer / I.B.M. Compatible. During this time, he worked on the Bios (Basic I/O System) and founded ‘Clone Master Inc.’ In 1983-1984, he experimented with manufacturing a computer called ‘Dao Computer’ that was inexpensive, but the speed was almost twice as fast as the I.B.M. computer, called ‘IBM CLONE.’ This led him to the foundation of ‘Dao Computer Inc.’ to manufacture the ‘Dao Computer.’

Sir Đào was also the head of the trade magazine Vietnam Business Magazine, President of the international trading company ‘Pacific Trading and Consulting,’ and the owner of ‘Teletech Paging’ and ‘Magic Talk.’ In 1989, he submitted the draft of the ‘National Citizens Resolution’ to Philosopher Lương Kim Định, Chairman of the National Seniors’ Council, who also signed a letter of authorization for him to be in charge of ‘Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National Council.’

Recognition for his Services

As a talented individual, Sir Đào Minh Quân was voted and elected by three generations, including seniors, middle-aged, and youths, to undertake as the Prime Minister of The Provisional National Government of Vietnam.  On February 16, 1991, at 12:00 am-noon, on the second day of the Vietnamese New Year of the Goat of Tân, Mr. Đào Minh Quân knelt to receive the “National treasure of Compatriots’ Vietnam True History.” The same day he pledged to obligate to be the Prime Minister of the Provisional National Government of Vietnam (PNGV). The activities took place in a solemn and declamatory ceremony publicly held at the Standing Office of PNGV in California.


Sir Đào Minh Quân is leading a peaceful and brave revolution and is trying to transform the people’s minds to move away from communism and adopt the democratic form of government. Through this scheme, his Nation will not only participate in the race of being a successful country but also be a state full of loyal patriots.

Sharing is caring!



HEXAGON MONUMNET at 10800 Sierra Road, Adelanto, CA. 92301


Support President Quan Minh Dao AKA Grand Duke Đào Minh Quân

Environmental Court, For the Environmental District of The United States ruled that President Dao Minh Quan won a $38 trillion lawsuit against the Government of China People and Communist Chinese party, Case Number ENC201215 on April 14, 2021.

Tòa án Môi trường Quốc Tế, Đặc khu Hoa Kỳ đã ra phán quyết rằng Tổng Thống Đào Minh Quân đã thắng trong vụ kiện trị giá 38 nghìn tỷ đô la chống

Anaheim, CA. 92814 lại Chính phủ Nhân dân Trung Quốc và đảng Cộng sản Trung Quốc, Số Vụ kiện ENC201215 vào ngày 14 tháng 4 năm 2021.


Please send all support to:

President Quan Minh Dao

PO Box 2807

Anaheim, CA, 92814, USA



PO Box 2807, Anaheim, CA. 92814

On March 20, 2021


Dear Compatriots, Brothers, Sisters, Nephews and Nieces!


Today, on the anniversary of President Ronald Regan speaking to the Association of "Youth in the United States" for the first time as President of the United States in 1981, it is also the day that President Donald Trump came to Vietnam after his first term. We wish sincere greetings to all dear people in our homeland, especially the youth who face many difficulties and challenges every day and around.

Life is not as pleasant and smooth as we dream, as when protected and cherished in the loving arms of grandparents and parents, it was even more difficult under the Communist regime. We feel guilty that we never prepared for our brothers and sisters about their psychology and how to cope with uncertainties, ever since we accepted the Mission as the President of the Republic of Vietnam, the Third.

But this letter is from my heart, hoping that everyone will get a chance to read it because I don't want what I experienced, the pain or the unhappiness which happened to me, to recur to you, even though you are more resilient and have a braver will.

The measure of human success or worth is not materiality or fame. It is the belief, hope, patience and the will to overcome, which is the framework for honoring each person's dignity. You can listen to my advice, learn from others, from stories you have heard, or learn from books, newspapers, friends and relatives. But all are not your exemplary. Only when you yourself go through it, it's yours. People grow up or mature by the experience and the capability to confront difficulties, not by the theory or others' experience. The world has millions and billions of living beings, yet everyone is important; everyone has a unique position. Even when you are disappointed, please always think about your dreams boldly, confidently, calmly and steadily. Do not self-torment, remorse, or regret about what has passed. Everyone had success and failure; success brings you more confidence. The stumbling is just an experience. It would be best if you stepped forward bravely. No one can evaluate his past as the true worth of his life. The statements you make without giving it a thought can be misunderstood, just follow the way you are confident, follow the path you are determined and think that it is correct, even though no one has done it yet.

Remember that happiness is a feeling at every stage of your life, not just the moment you get to your destination. Any time is also our best starting point, and don't hesitate to apologize or thank and forgive. Life is like a climbing journey; no need to look back too long to what you have passed or failed. Always look forward! When you reach the top, you will feel the whole sky. And do not forget that sincere feeling is always the greatest source of encouragement. Never expect everyone to understand you, and do not attribute it to fate. If you fall, try your best to stand up. All that you go through is your life capital. Please live sincerely to your emotions and do not forget the simple things, the lovely places that you have attached to your childhood, beautiful memories, your childhood best friends, sounds, voices, the music ... made you emotional, calm, sometimes heartbreaking. But it will help you to overcome difficulties with your own feet, hands and wisdom.

Every day is a new day with the best and most unexpected things to come with your efforts. Live, sincerely and honestly. What had passed in life is valuable. Nothing lost without bringing something new or more rewarding. If we have not found it yet, please be quiet, think deeply, to realize. What you give from the heart will return to you from the heart. Not only a wish or a dream but an act.

Life always has the law of cause and effect. It will always be fair, first, and later for everyone. We are the masters of ourselves. It is we who understand who we are. What can be done should be done, without pessimism, because it does not help anything more. Be optimistic and confident. We are theists; remember to pray and believe in the miracles. The miracle of upper spiritual strength will come to those who are sincere.


A new, happy day is coming. My heart is always on Brothers, Sisters, Nieces and Nephews.

Sincerely and love


Chúc Mừng Sinh Nhật Đức Quốc Công Tổng Thống Đào Minh Quân

Bộ Ngoại Giao Trung Tướng Lâm Ái Huệ và tất cả viên chức Nội Các CPQGVNLT-Đệ Tam VNCH đồng kính chúc mừng Sinh Nhât ĐỨC QUỐC CÔNG TỔNG THỐNG ĐÀO MINH QUÂN ngày 16.9.2020



June 19th 2020

Dear Compatriots!

Dear Generals, Delegates, Members, and Colleagues!

Honorable Seniors, Brothers, Comrades

and dear Vietnamese Youth, Young Ladies!


55 years ago, in order to stabilize the situation of the country, the late Lieutenant General NGUYEN VAN THIEU, President of the National Leadership Committee, later the President of the Second Republic of Vietnam signed the Decree No.001/a/CT/LDQG on June 19th 1965, to establish the cabinet. That was the day the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) officially stood out to take responsibility before the people to run and govern the nation. But 10 years later, the Communists ruined the Paris Peace Accords they had signed on 1973, attacked and seize South Vietnam on April 30, 1975.

On June 19th 2020, on the occasion of the ARVN Celebration, I  Dao Minh Quan, President of the Third Republic of Vietnam, on behalf of compatriots and all the members, together with the entire Cabinet Council, to offer our sincere heart incense in memory of the Sacred Spirit of the ARVN Warriors and Allies who sacrificed for the cause of freedom.

On behalf of the Vietnamese people who have been robbed of the country by the Communists, we express our gratitude to the Government and people of the United States, and all of the Vietnamese Allies all over the world.

Also, today is the FATHER'S DAY of America, the Provisional National Government of Vietnam - 3rd Republic of Vietnam respectfully honors our Grandfathers, Fathers, Brothers, Young Brothers, and Nephews. In particular, the Unknown Heroes of 58,721 US soldiers, along with 316,000 ARVN and Allied soldiers who sacrificed to protect the Freedom, protecting the Vietnamese compatriots from the terror and murder of the communists.

Although lying down their lives, the Warriors and Heroes of the Nation never died. They sacrificed with courage and bravery in the battle to become immortals who were our Holy Souls - Sacred Spirits, which brought the ARVN into the pride and glory of many generations of Dragon's Children and Fairy's Grandchildren. The courage and indomitable spirit of the ARVN and the Allies will forever be the sun to dispel the specter of crime, to eliminate the Communist regime in Vietnam and around the world. Their souls are always with us, to bless and support the Provisional National Government of Vietnam-the 3rd Republic of Vietnam, the ARVN, to be stronger and more successful in the determination to restore the Republic of Vietnam regime in our homeland.

Currently, our silk-satin country is under Communist rule. They have revealed themselves as an inhuman, immoral robber party, the henchmen of the Chinese Communist party to execute the Chengdu secret treaty, with the intention of turning our country into one of their districts. The Vietnamese communists have been feeble allowing Hoang Sa, Truong Sa and many of our archipelagos and lands to fall into the hands of Chinese Communists. They are complicit with the Chinese Communist Party to terrorize the gentle people, poison the people, imprison the patriots, destroy the talents, destroy the discipline, the rules, the genuine morals of the Vietnamese people with the conspiracy to make our people become Chinese.

Writer Ha Thuc Sinh wrote:

"People here are only holding on to their rice bowl,

Self-centered, do not bother about others”

And Prisoner Nguyen Chi Thien, who was imprisoned for 28 years by communist, used to lament:

“Being in ignorance, naivety, and coldness,

the people are restless

and living with the fear of losing their lives.

In this state, the whole nation is left with grudge and trauma”.

Our Fatherland is in danger, people are being persecuted by the communist. The younger generation, the heroic descendants, the courageous ARVN, the gentlemen, the mighty, the intellectuals cannot merely stand and watch. We urge all people, all genders, all members of the nation, the people, all classes, and all organizations, political and social parties in the global Vietnamese community to join in the SIGNING campaign to TRAMPLE HO CHI MINH'S FACE, a Vietnamese spy of the Chinese Communist Party, firmly decide not to accept the Communists, strongly committing to the PNG of Vietnam-the 3rd Republic of Vietnam to help the people, save the country, revive the RVN regime that honors God, humanitarian, independent, true freedom  and democracy in our beloved homeland.


All Allies, all humanity who love justice and peace will join us. Certainly, we must be determined to unite, together we will defeat the Communist Party of Vietnam, dissolve the so-called "state" of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam atheist, who dominates, restraints and genocides our nation.

Certainly, Vietnamese patriots, wise and courageous people will achieve the Great Victory to implement the  Constitution of the Third Republic of Vietnam, in order to bring the people a life of Freedom, Happiness, Warmth and Prosperity, helping the future of Vietnamese descendants to be bright, glorious, and proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Five Continents and the Four Oceans.

May the Most Almighty, Divines, Buddhas, the Spirit of the Mountain and Rivers, and the Immortal Spirit Who lay down their lives for the country, always bless, grant us health, peace, and fulfill our wish to REGAIN ANCESTRAL LANDS - END POPULACE SUFFERING successfully.

Best regards

President Dao Minh Quan


Bài dịch


Ngày 19/06/2020


Kính thưa Đồng Bào!


Thưa qúy Tướng Lãnh, quý Đại Biểu, quý Thành Viên, Đồng Nhiệm!


Thưa quý Niên Trưởng, quý Huynh Trưởng, quý Chiến Hữu!


và các bạn Thanh Niên, Thiếu Nữ Việt Nam thân mến!




Cách đây 55 năm, để ổn định tình hình đất nước, cố Trung Tướng NGUYỄN VĂN THIỆU, Chủ Tịch Ủy Ban Lãnh Đạo Quốc Gia, sau này là Tổng Thống Đệ Nhị VNCH đã ký sắc lệnh số 001/a/CT/LĐQG ngày 19/06/1965 để thành lập nội các. Đó là ngày Quân Lực Việt Nam Cộng Hòa (QLVNCH) chính thức đứng ra nhận trách nhiệm với toàn dân để điều hành và quản trị quốc gia. Nhưng 10 năm sau, Cộng quân đã xé nát Hiệp Định Paris do chúng ký kết, để tấn công, cưỡng chiếm Nam Việt Nam ngày 30/04/1975.


Hôm nay 19/06/2020, nhân Lễ Kỷ Niệm QLVNCH, tôi là Đào Minh Quân, Tổng Thống Đệ III VNCH, thay mặt cho Đồng Bào và tất cả quý thành viên, cùng toàn thể Hội Đồng Nội Các, cùng nhau thắp nén tâm hương tưởng kính những Anh Linh Chiến sĩ QLVNCH và Đồng minh đã hy sinh vì lý tưởng tự do.


Xin đại diện cho những người Việt bị Cộng Sản cướp nước, chúng tôi trân trọng bày tỏ lòng tri ân đến Chính Phủ và nhân dân Hoa Kỳ, cùng tất cả Đồng Minh của người Việt Nam trên toàn thế giới.


Cũng nhân dịp Lễ Từ Phụ của Hoa Kỳ (FATHER’S DAY),  CPQGVNLT-Đệ III VNCH trân trọng vinh danh những người Ông, người Cha, người Anh và các Em, các Cháu. Đặc biệt là những Vị Anh Hùng Vô Danh, 58,721 quân nhân Hoa Kỳ, cùng với 316,000 Chiến Sĩ VNCH và Đồng Minh đã hy sinh bảo vệ Tự Do, che chở cho Đồng Bào Việt Nam thoát sự khủng bố, sát hại của Cộng quân.


Dù đã nằm xuống, nhưng Chiến Sĩ và Anh Hùng Dân Tộc không bao giờ chết. Lòng hy sinh và sự chiến đấu qủa cảm, kiên cường của họ đã trở thành bất tử, là Hồn Linh - Khí Thiêng của chúng ta, đã biến QLVNCH trở thành niềm hãnh diện, đầy tự hào của biết bao thế hệ Con Rồng, Cháu Tiên. Tinh thần anh dũng, bất khuất của QLVNCH và Đồng Minh sẽ mãi mãi là ánh thái dương để xua tan bóng ma tội ác, triệt hạ hoàn toàn chế độ Cộng Sản tại Việt Nam và trên hoàn vũ.  Linh hồn của họ luôn bên cạnh chúng ta, để độ trì, phù trợ cho CPQGVNLT-ĐỆ III VNCH thêm vững mạnh, thành công trong quyết tâm phục hồi chế độ VNCH trên quê hương.


Hiện nay giang sơn gấm vóc của chúng ta đang bị Cộng Sản thống trị.  Chúng đã lộ nguyên hình là 1 đảng cướp phi nhân, vô đạo, tay sai Tàu Cộng để thực hiện mật ước Thành Đô, với ý đồ muốn biến nước ta thành một quận lỵ của chúng.  CSVN đã nhu nhược để Hoàng Sa, Trường Sa và nhiều quần đảo, đất đai của chúng ta lọt vào tay Tàu Cộng.  Bọn chúng đang đồng lõa với Tàu Cộng để khủng bố dân lành, đầu độc dân sinh, cầm tù những nhà ái quốc, triệt hạ nhân tài, phá hủy kỷ cương, giềng mối, đạo đức chân chính của người Việt Nam với âm mưu Hán hóa dân ta.


Nhà Văn Hà Thúc Sinh có viết:


Ở đây cơm áo co vòi lại


Chỉ biết mình thôi, không biết ai”.


Và Ngục Sĩ Nguyễn Chí Thiện, người bị CS cầm tù 28 năm cũng từng thở than:


“Vì ấu trĩ, vì thờ ơ ngu tối


Vì muốn an thân, vì tiếc máu xương


Cả nước phải quy về một mối


Một mối hận thù, một mối tang thương”. 


Tổ Quốc đang lâm nguy, dân chúng đang bị CS đàn áp sống lầm than, thống khổ. Những người trai thế hệ, những hậu duệ anh hùng, quả cảm QLVNCH, những anh thư, hào kiệt, trí thức không thể khoanh tay đứng nhìn. Chúng tôi kêu gọi mọi người, mọi giới, mọi thành phần Quốc Gia, Dân Tộc, mọi giai cấp và tất cả các tổ chức, đảng phái chính trị, xã hội trong cộng đồng Việt Nam toàn cầu, cùng tham gia chiến dịch KÝ ĐẠP MẶT HỒ CHÍ MINH, là tên gián điệp Việt gian Tàu Cộng, dứt khoát lập trường KHÔNG CHẤP NHẬN Cộng Sản, mạnh mẽ dấn thân với CPQGVNLT-ĐỆ III VNCH để giúp dân, cứu nước, phục hưng chế độ VNCH hữu thần, nhân đạo, độc lập, tự do và dân chủ thật sự trên quê hương dấu yêu.




Tất cả Đồng Minh, toàn thể nhân loại yêu chuộng công lý và hòa bình sẽ nhập cuộc với chúng ta. Nhất định chúng ta phải quyết tâm đoàn kết, cùng nhau triệt hạ đảng CSVN, giải thể cái gọi là “nhà nước” CHXHCNVN vô thần tay sai giặc Tàu, đang thống trị, kìm kẹp, diệt chủng dân tộc chúng ta.


Chắc chắn những người Việt Nam yêu nước, sáng suốt và can đảm sẽ tạo thành đại cuộc TOÀN THẮNG VĨ ĐẠI để thực thi bản Hiến Pháp Đệ III VNCH, hầu mang đến cho toàn dân một đời sống Tự Do, Hạnh Phúc, Ấm No, giúp cho tương lai con cháu Việt Nam được xán lạn, huy hoàng, hãnh diện sánh vai cùng Năm Châu Bốn Biển.


Nguyện xin Đấng Tối Cao Trời Phật, Hồn Thiêng Sông Núi và Anh Linh Tử Sĩ luôn độ trì, ban cho chúng ta được sức khoẻ, bình an và tâm nguyện LẤY LẠI ĐẤT TỔ – KHÔNG LÀM KHỔ DÂN được thành đạt, viên mãn.


Trân trọng kính chào


Tổng Thống Đào Minh Quân 




Thông Cáo Báo Chí

Lục Giác Đài được các quân nhân và hậu duệ Việt Nam Cộng Hòa xây dựng bằng chnh bàn tay của mình để tôn vinh 58.721 chiến hữu đồng minh Hoa Kỳ đã hy sinh cho Việt Nam.

California, USA - Ngày 2 tháng 6 năm 2020 -

Các quân nhân và hậu duệ Việt Nam Cộng Hòa hiện phục vụ trong Đệ Tam Việt Nam Cộng Hòa đang tự xây dựng Lục Giác Đài bằng chính đôi tay của họ để bày tỏ lòng tri ân, sự thương tiếc và kính trọng đến những chiến hữu Hoa Kỳ đã hy sinh tại Việt Nam.

Lục Giác Đài là sáu bức tường ghi khắc tên 58.721 quân nhân Hoa Kỳ đã hy sinh tại Việt Nam, được CPQGVNLT-Đệ III VNCH cho xây dựng tại TỤ NGHĨA ĐƯỜNG, số 10800 Sierra Road, Adelanto, California, một nơi linh thiêng để tôn vinh những quân nhân Hoa Kỳ đã hy sinh trong khi phục vụ cho cả 2 quốc gia Việt Nam và Hoa Kỳ trước ngày 30.4.1975. Trong thời gian đó, Tổng Thống ĐÀO MINH QUÂN là Trung Úy, trưởng đơn vị Đặc Nhiệm Hắc Hổ (Black Tiger) tại Đông Hà.  

Tổng Thống cùng các giới chức, đại biểu và thành viên trong Chính Phủ Đệ Tam Việt Nam Cộng Hòa trân trọng kính mời tất cả mọi người đến viếng thăm sáu (6) bức tường (Lục Giác Đài) này để tưởng niệm, chạm vào bia đá để tôn vinh 58.721 nhà ái quốc Hoa Kỳ và tất cả những người phục vụ với họ.

Chúng tôi vẫn chung vai sát cánh với thân nhân và gia đình thân thương của họ.

Xin ghi tên tại 1 trong 4 số điện thoại sau đây:

587-436-6691, 408-623-1746, 714-873-9000, 951-375-6228


23.10.2021 03:18



26.05.2021 00:16

Nguyen Nghia

Đất nước Việt Nam hôm nay như một bãi tha ma, hoang tàn, đổ nát. Ngoài Ngài ĐỨC QUỐC CÔNG ĐÀO MINH QUÂN TỔNG THỐNG VNCH thì không có bất kỳ một tổ chức, hội đoàn hay cá nhân nào cứu dân tộc VN được.

08.10.2021 07:13

Quang Huy

haha thằng nhóc đu càng này . nên nhớ người kí hiệp định với pháp là Việt Minh chúng tôi chứ ko phải 3/ và người đánh đuổi Mỹ ra khỏi lảnh thỗ đất Việt 4000 năm của cha ông gìn giữ là chúng tôi

02.05.2021 18:57

Thuong Nguyen Hang

PO Box 2807, Anaheim, CA. 92814
THÔNG CÁO. Ngày 26.04.2021
vào link dưới đây:

12.03.2021 07:36



11.03.2021 20:34



11.03.2021 19:24



12.12.2020 10:26

Trần Lâm Anh

Trân Lâm Anh . Trân Trong Kính Chúc Đức Quốc Công ĐÀO Minh Quân Tổng Thống VNCH Đệ Tam. và Phu Nhân Luôn được nhiều sức khỏe An Lành hạnh phúc thành công Viên Mãn công cuộc Cứu Quốc Kiến Quốc.

27.11.2020 16:09

song lian fu

I am Chinese,but I love viet nam,when I first know this organization,I think this country will given the Vietnam ese new life ,and I think it will be helpful with chinese to found the freedom’s way

26.11.2020 09:42

Triệu Lệ Trinh

Trân Trọng Kính chào Đức Quốc Công Đào Minh Quân Tổng Thống Đệ Tam VNCH
Kính Chúc Ngài và gia đình luôn được ơn trên phù hộ độ trì !
Nam mô A Di Dà Phật
Amen !

08.11.2020 00:23

Kim huynh

Thay mặt công đồng việt nam Úc châu tôn phong ông làm hàng đế Đào Minh Quân đệ nhất. Vietnam đã có vua